Town Of Leesburg Finalizing Plans For 2018 Leesburg Day Celebration

During the Leesburg Town Council meeting Tuesday, Mayor Pierce and Council members discussed the final plans for Leesburg Day. The Gospel Singing will be tonight (Wednesday) at the Park pavilion with the Fishermen Quartet from Boaz. The Mayor said there would be a train for attendees to ride, inflatables for children, lots of food vendors, and something for everyone. Activities will begin Saturday morning at 9:00.

The Council voted to extend the period for seal bids on the proposed new bathroom facilities for the Park until next meeting on October 1st.

Leesburg resident David Lee talked with the Mayor and Council about putting up a large flag in front of Town Hall and how to go about facilitating a Clean Up of the Town.

The Council approved $300 to assist with the annual Farm City week and $300 for the Town’s Clerk and Assistant Clerk to attend payroll and human resource seminar at the request of the Town’s Auditor.

The next regular meeting of the Leesburg Town Council is October 1st in the Council Chambers at Town Hall.
