Cherokee County Coroner’s Office Hosts Child Death Investigation Training Course


The Cherokee County Coroner’s Office hosted a Child Death Investigation Training Course on Wednesday August 8th (2018), sponsored by the Alabama Department of Public Health. This class spanned across multi agencies within Cherokee County with over 30 individuals participating. The class covered multiple topics as they relate to Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Investigation.

Agencies that participated included the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, Cherokee EMS, the Centre Police Department, Cherokee County Department of Human Resources, local first responders, Registered Nurses with local emergency departments, the JSU Center for Applied Sciences and the Cherokee County Coroner’s Office. 

Dr. Deaton, Cherokee County Coroner states, “While child death cases are difficult in so many aspects to deal with, it is seen as one of the most important types of death we deal with. The investigation surrounding the events just before the death are critical in determining the actual cause of death. I am so proud that every single agency, from first responders to forensic specialists, were present for this meeting. When I first took office, one of my goals was to provide further education for local agencies so that we can all work in unity towards answering the questions of how a child, or any individual for that matter, dies. This class is our third training opportunity that has helped to make this goal a reality and improve the level of medicolegal death investigations we as a county perform. I also sincerely appreciate Chief Deputy Coroner Paul McDonald and county administrator Daniel Steele for their help in organizing the event.” 

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