Alabama’s Bicentennial Exhibit Makes Its Way To The Cherokee County Historical Museum

“Making Alabama” tells the history of Alabama from “pre-history” to the present day, with plans for the future.

Topics featured include “Wonder,” with emphasis on happenings before 1700; “Conflict,” 1700 to 1815; “Fever,” 1815-1860; “Conviction,” 1860-1875; “Power,” 1875-1940; “Struggle,” 1940-1965; “Change,” 1965-1990; “Hope,” 1990 forward to today.

The exhibit includes photographs, artwork on giant panels and printed explanations of the various display segments. Computer tablets with “touch screens” offer additional information about each period of the state’s history.

Alabama officially became the 22nd U.S. state on Dec. 14, 1819.

“Making Alabama” is presented by the Alabama Humanities Foundation.
