Two Cherokee County Schools Receive Energy Star Certifications

Centre Elementary School and Cedar Bluff School were both presented with Energy Star Certifications during Tuesday’s meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education. Rusty Jacoway who serves as the liason for the Cenergistic Energy Company said that these schools passed the necessary inspections to receive the certifications with the highest ratings. He went onto say that it is his goal to see that every school throughout the system is Energy Star Certified and praised the hard work of Cedar Bluff Principal Rusty Thrasher and CES Principal Wes Neyman and their respective faculty and staff members for their corporation in making this achievement possible.

In other business, the board approved the Summer School Administrator/Teacher Supplement amount, received for review a copy of the 2018/2019 Student Handbook Code of Conduct and approved to declare Family and Consumer Science Kitchen Cabinet Project at Gaylesville School a Public Works Project.
Out of State travel was approved for Coach Neal Wester and the CCHS Boys Basketball Team to attend camp at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga at no expense to the board.

Personnel items approved were;
Resignations – Katlin Higging, Elementary Teacher at Sand Rock School
Certified Placements – Mandi Caldwell, 2018 Summer School Administrator/Teacher, Alexandrea Helms, 2018 Summer School Teacher
Principal Contracts – Rusty Thrasher, Cedar Bluff & Seth Neyman, CCHS
2017-2018 Supplement Additions – Mandi Caldwell, Title I Coordinator at Centre Middle School
Summer School Workers – Samuel Cosby, Cedar Bluff, Kenneth Farley, Centre Elementary School, Dillon Keasler, Centre Middle School, Seth Bright, Cherokee County High School, Timothy Ray Weaver, Gaylesville School, Ethan Callantine, Sand Rock School, Zander Hammett, Cherokee County Career & Tech School and Halie Grimes, Central Office.

The board then went into an Executive Session for the purpose of a student disciplinary hearing and also to discuss school safety matters. No action was taken on either matter.

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