First look: “The Incredibles 2”

Disney(LOS ANGELES) — If you weren’t watching the Olympics Wednesday night — and honestly, you had a fair excuse because of Valentine’s Day — you missed a sneak peek of the sequel to Disney/Pixar’s smart 2004 smash, The Incredibles.

Set immediately after the original, the Parr family is apparently back in the do-gooding business, despite a law making “supers” like them illegal.

According to the snippet, a billionaire has use for their abilities — and that never ends well in superhero movies. He wants Elastigirl back in action, which means while she’s battling bad guys, Mr. Incredible is left to play Mr. Mom, including fighting a losing battle helping son Dash with his “Common Core” math homework.

Returning are Oscar-winner Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Elastigirl, Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible, Samuel L. Jackson as Lucius Best/Frozone, Sarah Vowell as Violet, and director Brad Bird, who also voices super-suit creating, snarky fashion icon Edna Mode. Also returning is Jon Ratzenberger as the villainous Underminer.  So far, the Cheers actor has been in every Disney/Pixar release.

New this time around in voice roles are Sophia Bush, Bob Odenkirk — who plays the mysterious tycoon — and Isabella Rossellini.

The Incredibles 2 opens June 15 from Disney, the parent company of ABC News.


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