Weiss Lake Improvement Association Replaces Channel Markers And Poles Across Weiss Lake

With the permission of Alabama Power and The Alabama Marine Police Division Mark Collins, President of the Weiss Lake Improvement Association and Tim Pentecost went out on the lake with the Dixie Pile Drivers crew to replace missing channel markers.

They put up 6 poles from Bay Springs to the causeway in Cedar Bluff and also replaced 2 poles in Cowan Creek and pulled up several old poles that had no purpose. Some of these poles have been missing for a long time.

They also put new signs on them as well as reflective tape around the poles. There were also 7 missing and damaged poles in the Chattooga River and Little River area that were replaced.

If you are out during low light hours please watch for these. This is something WLIA has been working to get the funding to do for a long time.
