Piedmont to Expand City’s Fiber Optic Network

In an effort to improve internet and phone service at city buildings and save money on utility bills, the Piedmont City Council, on Tuesday, agreed to extend the city’s fiber optic network.

The $35,000 project, which will be conducted by Gresco Utility Supply, a Georgia-based telecommunications company, will add about 35,000 feet of cable to the city’s current network, providing high-speed internet and phone service to many city buildings, such as the aquatic center, sports complex, senior center, sewage lagoon, and most importantly, the city’s water filtration plant.

According to Jessie McKnight, superintendent of the city water, gas, and sewer board, running fiber optic to the water filtration plant, including well that is currently under construction, will be vital for the function of the soon-to-be automated facility. “Without it, the well won’t work,” said McKnight.

Long-term, the project will also save the city money. According Ben Singleton, the city’s internet technology manger, many of the current internet and phone services from companies such as AT&T can now be consolidated in favor of the single fiber optic network.

In other business, the council voted to allow Fire Chief Mike Ledbetter to purchase an almost $700,000 ladder truck, in light of receiving a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which will cover $642,858 of the cost.

The council agreed to pay the remaining $32,142, which will come out of the city fire tax. Chief Ledbetter said that the truck, which features a 75-foot ladder, should help improve the city’s ISO rating, adding that “this is going to be the best truck we’ve had in a long time.”

Bills for payment were approved in the amount of $525,002.97, with Council Members Doug Dickeson and Bobby Hardin voting “No.”

The next regular Piedmont City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21st, following the work session, which is set for 5:30pm.

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