Man Responsible For Centre City Hall Bomb Threat Has Been Arrested

The man responsible for making a Bomb Threat to Centre City Hall on Wednesday is now behind bars facing charges of Terroristic Threats. First responders swarmed Centre City Hall at approximately 8:25 that morning after the call came in.

City Hall and all surrounding areas were evacuated and Main Street was shutdown from the Courthouse to the intersection in East Centre. The all clear was given after Centre Police Officers and Sheriff’s Office Investigators combed the facility, finding nothing.

According to Centre Police Chief Kirk Blankenship, at 3:00pm Thursday 39 year old Vincent Alexander Johnston of Centre was taken into custody.

Johnston was booked in at the Cherokee County Detention Center by Chief Investigator Randy Mayorga at 5:50pm charged with Terrorist Threats, where he is currently being held on a $10,000 bond.

Chief Blankenship said the arrest came through the extensive investigation conducted by himself and Inv. Mayorga. Warrants were obtained and submitted to a phone service carrier that provided information detailing what number was used and who the number belonged to. Mayorga also worked closely with the State Pardons and Paroles Officer Brandon Thompson with the Centre Office, who was able to positively identify the voice of the individual that made the call as being that of Johnston. 

The witness in this case was also able to positively identify the voice of the suspect as that of Johnston.

Although no motive has yet been made available – further investigation revealed Johnston was scheduled to appear in Municipal Court in Centre on the day that the bomb threat was made.

Chief Blankenship said that he would like to commend Officers Brandon Thompson, Caleb Courtney and Roy Snead with the Centre Office of Pardons and Parole for their assistance in the case.

Centre Mayor Tony Wilkie said that he greatly appreciates the hard work and dedication of Chief Blankenship, Investigator Mayorga, the Centre Office of Pardons and Paroles and everyone that worked diligently in bringing Johnston to Justice.



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