Floyd County Sheriff Reflects on Polk County Shooting and Future of Victim’s Three Year Old Son

In the days since the shooting death of Polk County Police Detective Kristen Hearne and the shooting of Officer David Goodrich, more information about what happened immediately following the incident has now come forth.

Floyd County police and the sheriff’s office responded to the scene to offer mutual aid in the manhunt for the suspect Seth Brandon Spangler.

Floyd County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Tom Caldwell, said when they were headed to Polk County, the focus was on making sure everyone else is safe because the suspect was not yet in custody.  Caldwell said after the suspect was in custody, the focus shifted to the needs of the families of the officers and the Polk County Police Department as an agency.

Sheriff Tim Burkhalter stated that he was heartened by the outpouring of support from the hundreds who lined the funeral procession route to pay their respects.

“Just when we feel like we are down at the lowest point you can be, it gave me hope,” he said. “Poor people, rich people, and even people I’ve seen in jail before were out there saluting and waving flags, showing support for us. It made me feel a whole lot better.”

Hearne worked for the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office before joining the Polk County Police Department.  The sheriff said they had spoken with Hearne recently about the possibility of coming back to Floyd County.  Burkhalter added that his office will be working with Polk County law enforcement to set up a trust fund for Hearne’s three year old son Isaac.

Meanwhile, the state has announced it will seek the death penalty for Spangler and Roof, who are both charged with Detective Hearne’s murder.

A third individual, Michael Fossett has been jailed since Friday on charges of hindering the apprehension of a criminal and possession of meth.  Authorities say Fossett had attempted to give Roof, who is his sister, a ride away from the crime scene.



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