Commissioner Marcie Foster Discusses “Ready-to-Work” Program

Many people are having a hard time finding work due to a lack of experience or the lack of in-demand skills.  Well there’s some good news in the form of a new initiative known as the Ready to Work program which provides a career pathway for adults with limited education and employment experience.

The Ready to Work workplace environment will provide trainees with the entry-level skills required for employment with most businesses and industries across Alabama; the training curriculum is set to standards cited by business and industry employers, and skills that are  cited in the U.S. Department of Labor Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Reports.

The program is currently available at Gadsden State Community College and Commissioner Marcie Foster wants to bring the vitally important initiative to the campus of Gadsden State Cherokee in Centre.

Foster told WEIS Radio News “I’m really excited about the idea of having this program right here in Cherokee County.  It teaches basic job seeking skills, such as resume writing and job applications, customer service, team building, and conflict resolution.  Additionally, at the end of the six-week program the participants receive two certificates that they can show to potential employers.  It also brings in college and job recruiters during the last week of the program – and best of all this is grant funded though Gadsden State Community College and is at no cost to the County or the participant.  I sincerely hope that the citizens of Cherokee County will take part in this important program.”

For more information contact David Collins at (256) 549-8638 or


