Five Year Old Involved in Near Drowning at Canyon Mouth Park on June 18th Passes Away June 30th in ICU at Erlanger

The child that was air-lifted to Erlanger after emergency personnel responded to reports of a possible drowning at Canyon Mouth Park on June 18th – has died.

According to Cherokee County Coroner Jeremy Deaton the five year old Albertville girl, who has been in ICU at Erlanger, passed away Friday (June 30th) at 4:20am.  The child’s parents reportedly stated she’d been out of their sight less than two minutes on that Sunday afternoon when she was found under the water, unresponsive. Several bystanders came to the aid of the child with CPR being administered until Cherokee EMS and other emergency personnel arrived on the scene.

Coroner Deaton urges everyone to exercise caution during family outings – especially when around the water this holiday weekend.

A child can drown in less time than it takes to answer a phone call; designate AT LEAST one responsible adult to closely monitor children in and around water.  The designated watcher must not leave the area at any time without a replacement – and should refrain from taking part in phone calls, text messages, reading or any other distractions during this time.

Always use U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that all children, ages four and up, take swim lessons.  Parents and young adults should consider learning CPR, one of the most important life saving skills available.

Also, talk to your child about Water Safety – and the importance of learning, understanding, and following the rules of water safety each and every time.
