Bus Driver & Students Recognized By The School Board For Their Heroic Efforts During A School Bus Fire Back On April 6th

During this week’s meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education two students and a bus driver were recognized for their heroic efforts after the school bus they were riding on caught fire back on April, 6th on Highway 411 North at New Bethel Baptist Church in the Key Community.

Bus Driver Darrell Green and two students 15 year old Austin Moss and 13 year old Hagan Matthews were presented with certificates of appreciation by Transportation Supervisor Harold Pearson.

When that bus caught fire, Mr. Green and both boys quickly went to work making sure every student got off the bus safely. Matthews and Moss assisted the younger students in getting off the bus before getting off themselves.

Following the meeting we spoke to both boys and to Mr. Green about the experience – 

In other business, the board accepted mini quotes from Verizon Wireless for cellular telecommunications services and from AT&T for long distance telecommunications for Spring Garden.

Out of State travel was approved for Leah Nelson and the CCHS girl’s basketball team to attend the Team Camp in Chattanooga June 5th – 7th at no cost to the board.

Approved personnel items included the Certified Resignations of Emily Bailey, Elementary Teacher at Centre Elementary School, Mary Ellis, Elementary Teacher at Centre Elementary School and Martha Marie Williamson, Cosmetology Instructor at Cherokee County Career & Tech Center.

Classified Resignations included, Donna Grubbs, Bus Driver for Centre Schools and Michelle Davis, Instructional Paraprofessional at Centre Elementary School.


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