Trump threatens shutdown as Ryan defends spending deal

The White House(WASHINGTON) — President Trump threatened to force a government shutdown when funding runs out in September, saying “our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!”

In the wake of the president’s comments, House Speaker Paul Ryan defended the government spending deal that was cut, likely averting a shutdown until the fall. Trump has yet to sign the measure, which does not include funding for the border wall, one of his key agenda items.

“Look, we have a long ways to go between now and September, but I share the president’s frustration,” Ryan said Tuesday in a press conference on Capitol Hill with other House GOP leaders. “I feel good about the wins we got with the administration in this bill.”

On Twitter, Trump suggested ending the legislative filibuster or forcing a government shutdown when funding runs out in September. However, Trump doesn’t have to wait until then — he can force a shutdown this week if he doesn’t sign the funding bill Congress is sending his way.

The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 2, 2017

either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good “shutdown” in September to fix mess!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 2, 2017

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