Town Of Leesburg Approves The Hiring Of A New Police Officer

At the recommendation of Police Chief Brent Grimes, the Leesburg Town Council unanimously approved the hire of Officer Jamie Chapman (pictured right) to fill a vacancy on the department. Chapman is a Cherokee County resident and is currently employed as a patrol officer with the Rainsville Police Department in DeKalb County. Chapman is also a former reserve deputy with the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department.

In other business during the meeting the council also approved the hiring of Tammy Cothran at a rate of $75 per month for cleaning services at town hall and also approved the purchase of mosquito spray in the amount of $1400.

The council also set a price for an adult league softball tournament with that cost being $40 per day for use of the facility. The council also approved ten loads of gravel to be hauled in for the park and RV sites at the Leesburg Landing.

The town is also looking at upgrading the “Welcome to Leesburg” signs located in various locations coming into town. There is however a process that has to be followed as per state regulations and the town is currently in the process of working on a design for the signs.

Several concerned citizens also returned to gather questions and brainstorm further discussion from the council to be discussed at the special called meeting coming up on Monday May 8th at 6:30 p.m. with North East Alabama Regional Planning Commission concerning the development of a Zoning Ordinance for the town.
