Portland May Day: 25 arrested after protesters hurl bottles, Molotov cocktails at police

iStock/Thinkstock(PORTLAND, Ore.) — Twenty five people were arrested during a May Day march in downtown Portland, Oregon, after protesters threw bottles and other items at police officers monitoring the event, authorities said.

The Portland Police Bureau said that lead balls, smoke bombs, paint, glass bottles and full cans of Pepsi were “launched” at police. Officers were forced to put on protective helmets and other protective equipment due to the items that were being thrown at them, police said.

The bureau on Tuesday shared mugshots for 22 of the 25 suspects who were arrested in “riots” that broke out at the march.

Permitted #MayDayPDX March Turns Into Riot — 25 People Arrested (Photo) https://t.co/pdSHmw79En pic.twitter.com/muvZhWcjVR

— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) May 2, 2017

A window was also broken at the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building, police said.

Police initially encouraged peaceful protesters to separate themselves from “anarchists committing acts of violence/property damage.” Authorities also advised families with children at the march to “immediately leave” due to the mounting violence.

Just before 4:30 p.m., police said the permit for the march had been canceled and informed everyone in the vicinity to “leave the streets” due to the “unsafe conditions.”

After announcing that the permit had been canceled, Portland police asked law-abiding participants to use the sidewalks and leave the area, adding that anyone remaining in the street would be subject to arrest.

Police said “impact munitions” and “chemical munitions” were deployed on the crowds due to the “numerous projectiles being thrown at police.”

Protesters then began to start fires and throw “incendiary devices” at officers, including fireworks, smoke bombs and Molotov cocktails, police said. One police car was destroyed by protesters.

May Day, which falls on the first day of May, is also known as International Workers’ Day, which has long been an occasion for political action by labor unions and other progressive organizations.

Demonstrations were planned on Monday in major cities including New York, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

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