Tax Tip: What you need to know if you have hired help

iStock/ThinkstockIf you have someone come in to clean your house, babysit your kids on a regular basis or maintain your lawn, you know that you should be including the proper IRS withholding in their pay.

If you don’t, consider this a lesson that you need to learn now, and even if you do, there are some changes in the tax laws this year. IRS spokesman Anthony Burke says you may have already missed out on an important deadline.

“If you have people who work in your home, then you have to file a form Schedule H,” he says. “Then you would need to get the W-2s and related W-3s to the Social Security Administration by January 31st, which is new for some people this year.”

Burke says if you think you’ve missed the deadline, contact the IRS as soon as possible because they may be able to work out an arrangement with you. If you don’t, he says, you’re on your own.

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