Scientists Reveal the Three Kinds of Selfie Takers

iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — New research from Brigham Young University scientists suggests that not all people taking selfies are narcissists. In fact, there are three main types, the researchers discovered: Communicators, Autobiographers, and Self-Publicists.

Communicators, “take selfies primarily to engage their friends, family or followers in a conversation,” according to the published study.

“They’re all about two-way communication,” explained coauthor and current student Maureen “Mo” Elinzano. See also: Anne Hathaway’s “I voted” selfie snaps on Instagram.

Autobiographers, “use selfies as a tool to record key events in their lives and preserve significant memories.” Such users, “want others to see their photos, they aren’t necessarily seeking the feedback.”

One example includes, NASA astronaut Scott Kelley, “who returned to Earth in 2016 after a year in space, chronicled his trip with a number of epic shots, including a full-blown space-suit selfie.”

Self-publicists, are the ones we usually think about when it comes to selfie snappers, but it’s, “actually the smallest of the three groups,” researchers say.

“They are the people who love documenting their entire lives…hoping to present themselves and their stories in a positive light,” said coauthor Harper Anderson. Examples abound — from Kardashians to your standard duck-facing party people.

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