Board Of Education Adopts Resolution In Favor Of Appointing A Superintendent Rather Than An Election

It seems that the decision of the voters to elect the Superintendent of Education as has always been the norm in Cherokee County for many years may soon be a thing of the past.

The Cherokee County Board of Education adopted a Resolution  to be sent to the local delegation basically stating that the position of Superintendent of Education would no longer be voted upon by the public during the general election but instead appointed by the school board, the Board of Education would also set the Superintendent’s Salary if the measure passes through the Legislature.

School Board Chairman Brian Jennings read aloud the Resolution

In other business, the board approved the minutes from their December 13th and December 15th meetings in addition to receiving the Bank Reconciliation, Cash Balance and Financial report for October of 2016.

Also approved was a list of proposed Coaching Supplements. Laure Clemons with the Cherokee County Extended Family for Kids Program was also attendance to give the board an update of the progress of that program and out of state travel was approved for Suzannah Yoder and the Sand Rock Chapter of the FCCLA to attend the Leadership Conference and Retreat in Nashville in February and no cost to the Board.

A contract for Occupational Therapy Services was approved with Go Play Therapy Center for January 17 – July 31, 2017.

Personnel Items approved included the resignation of Christa Neyman, Countywide Occupational Therapist.

Certified Placements were; Paige Ashley, Elementary Teacher at Centre Middle School and Casey Pearson, Electronics Teacher at the Career & Tech Center.

Classified Placements; Debbie Moon from Assistant CNP Manager to Manager at Cherokee County School High School and Alisa Barber, CNP 6 hour worker at Spring Garden School.

Employment Contracts; Denise Griffith, After School Tutor at Sand Rock School

Leave of Absences were approved for; Robbie Stokes, Cedar Bluff Bus Driver (pending physicians statement), Meg Crane, Special Education Teacher at Cedar Bluff School and Jan Brown, Sand Rock Bus Driver.

The next regular meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education will be January 24th at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Board Office on Main Street.


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