Cherokee County Board of Education Meeting Set for January 12th

The next meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education will be held Thursday, January 12th, 2017 and will be at the Central Office. 

The Board will meet with the Student Advisory Committee at 5:00pm and the Board Meeting will begin at 6:00pm

Items on the agenda include:

  1. Adopt Agenda
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Review Accounts Payable for December 2016
  4. Receive October 2016 Financial Report
  5. Approve Proposed Coaching Supplement Changes
  6. Laure Clemons with Extended Family to Meet With Board
  7. Out of State Travel With Students
  8. Personnel
  9. Approve Professional Development
  10.     Review Job Postings
  11.     Other
  12.     Student Disciplinary Hearing
  13.     Student Disciplinary Hearing 

The Board regularly meets on the first and third Tuesdays of a month at 6:00pm at the Central Office.  


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