“Toys for Tots” Golf Tournament Set for Saturday at Cherokee County Country Club

tots-4The annual “Toys for Tots” scramble golf tournament, held in honor of Mr. William E. “Bill” Floyd, will take place this Saturday (December 10th) at the Cherokee County Country Club in Centre.  The cost is $30 plus one new unwrapped child’s toy to place in the Toys for Tots collection box. 

All golfers are welcomed, and teams will be selected at random, prior to a 10:00am shotgun start.

For more information or to register for that tournament, call Steve Baker at the Pro Shop, at (256) 927-5070.  


William E. “Bill” Floyd Additional Information:

floydThe tournament is held in honor of William E. “Bill” Floyd who passed away on Saturday, September 17, 2011. 

Bill, and his wife Karen, were members of the Cherokee County Country Club in Centre and ardent supporters of the Toys for Tots campaign. Bill’s connection with the Toys for Tots program began through his association with the U.S. Marine Corps. 

Bill was a true American hero, joining the United States Marine Corps at a young age. Floyd served in Korea at the Chosin Reservoir and the DMZ and also served two tours in Vietnam. He retired from the Marine Corps with twenty-two plus years. Following his retirement, he joined the United States Marshall Service where remained as a Deputy U.S. Marshall for over twenty years. 

Supporting Toys for Tots was a passion of Floyd’s and his concern and commitment to civic causes continued until his passing.

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