Blood Assurance Blood Drives Taking Place on Friday in Ft Payne

blood-drive-1Blood Assurance Seeks Blood During Holiday Season

During the holiday season Blood Assurance is asking the community to consider scheduling an appointment to donate blood.

Whole blood donations have a shelf life of 42 days, meaning the blood must be used during this time frame; therefore, blood donors are continuously needed to maintain a substantial supply to local hospitals serviced by Blood Assurance. Once an individual makes a blood donation, they have eight weeks until they are able to donate again. However, during the holiday season, blood donations are historically low due to travel and family gatherings, while the utilization of blood and blood products is higher due to an increase in trauma incidents.

“We are incredibly grateful to each and every blood donor who answers the call to donate blood and helps us meet the needs of local hospital patients,” said Mindy Quinn, marketing manager for Blood Assurance. “The need for blood is constant; however, it is often increased during the holidays and must be replenished by those of us in the community who are able to donate. We encourage everyone to stop by a Blood Assurance donor center or bloodmobile during the already busy holiday months to help save lives in the community.”

Blood Assurance also encourages the community to consider donating platelets at their local blood donor center. Donating platelets feels much like a whole blood donation. The blood is taken from one arm and channeled through a sterile, disposable kit that is placed in a special machine. The machine separates the blood into different components, the needed part is taken out and the rest of the blood is returned to the donor. The entire platelet donation process takes 45 to 90 minutes.

Platelets are used by the following patients:

  *   Patients who experience trauma
  *   Patients who experience bleeding during surgery
  *   Patients with aplastic anemia
  *   Transplant recipients
  *   Patients with leukemia
  *   Patients receiving treatment for cancer

In December, blood donors will also have the opportunity to put a holiday gift in the hands of patients at the Children’s Hospital at Erlanger with coloring books and crayons to be donated for each blood donation received. Blood Assurance currently needs more than 540 volunteer blood donors each day in order to adequately supply the demand from local hospitals for the patients in need.

To be eligible to donate blood, you must be at least 18 years old (17 and 16 years old with parental consent), weigh 110 pounds or more and be in good health. Donors are asked to drink plenty of fluids – avoiding caffeine – and eat a meal that is rich in iron prior to donating. Blood donors are not required to make an appointment prior to donating.

For more information on Blood Assurance, donating blood or hosting a blood drive, please call 1-800-962-0628.



The Ft Payne Walmart (2001 Glenn Boulevard Southwest) / 11:30am – 5:00pm

Crowne Health Care of Ft Payne (403 13th Street Northwest) / 9:00am – 2:00pm


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