iPhone Dongle Keychain Beats Apple at Its Own Game

Apple(NEW YORK) — One of the main gripes with those faithful — or well-heeled — enough to immediately upgrade to the iPhone 7 was that the company did away with a headphone jack. Not coincidentally, it also started selling pricey — and easy to lose — Bluetooth headphones on the same day.

Those who didn’t want to shell out around $150 bucks could still use their old headphones — which attach to the phone’s charging port via an also not coincidentally easy-to-lose dongle.

However, a Canadian company has just released the Uncourage — a keychain to which an iPhone 7 dongle attaches — which means the attachment will always be there when you need it — provided you don’t lose your keys.

Best part? It’s 6 bucks, unlike any official Apple accessory ever.

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