Weiss Lake Improvement Association Host Another Fish Habitat Enhancement Program

The Weiss Lake Improvement Association along with Alabama Power and local high school students have once again partnered together to deploy a large number of fish attraction devices into Weiss Lake to enhance the fish habitat in the lake at Yellow Creek Falls Fish Camp on Wednesday afternoon.

We spoke to local fishing guide Marc Collins who told us more about the program:

Several student anglers from high school teams across the county teamed up with several local fishing guides to construct the fish attraction devices by using bamboo and placing them in concrete blocks filled with mortar and after drying those devices were then loaded onto Alabama Power Boats and placed in strategic locations in the lake near Yellow Creek Falls in Leesburg.

fishhabitatCollins said that the biggest advantage of these devices is that it will enable the smaller fish to hide from predators such as birds and other fish and will improve the overall ecology of the lake.

Collins told us that the program is sponsored by Weiss Lake Improvement Association, Alabama Power Renew Our Rivers Stewardship Program, Students from each of the county’s high school fishing teams along with several concerned citizens.

Each of the spots where the fish attraction devices are employed are recorded by GPS and can be found by following apcshorelines.com

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