City of Centre Budget Meeting

Centre City Hall

A City of Centre Budget Meeting took place Tuesday morning at City Hall with Mayor Tony Wilkie and council members Bess Yarbrough, Harry Moon and Glen Chandler in attendance.

During the course of the approximately two-hour meeting the first order of business was in determining the amount of the budget itself – with the figures showing projected revenue in the amount of $3,214,150 – an increase of more than $55,000 over last year’s budget.

Detailed discussion was given to various allotments awarded by the City to an array of local organizations in the community; these initial discussions also covered the city departments and any possible improvements which could possibly be made within the budget guidelines

The Mayor and Council will soon begin the steps of finalizing the numbers and putting their final version of the budget together for approval.

The next regular City of Centre Council Meeting is set for Tuesday, September 13th, starting at 5:00pm and taking place at City Hall on East Main Street.

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