School Board Names New Principal At Cedar Bluff School

cbsThe Cherokee County School Board has approved the hire of a new Principal at Cedar Bluff High School.

Former Jacksonville High School Assistant Principal Rusty Thrasher was named to the position during the board’s regular meeting on Tuesday and Thrasher says he’s excited to get started –

Mr. Thrasher along with his daughter Hannah, son Hunter and wife Aimee say that they look forward to making Cedar Bluff their permanent home.

Thrasher fills the position recently vacated by Dewayne Pierce who is retiring.

In other business the board heard from Brittany Parker, Examiner of Public Accounts who presented the unqualified audit report for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year, Parker explained that there were no negative findings in the report.

The board also received for review a proposed revised student handbook for the 2016-2017 school as presented by Mr. Casey Young.

Out of State Travel was approved for Coach Jonathan McWhorter and the Cedar Bluff Football Team to attend camp at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee.

The construction of a new walking track at Centre Middle School was also declared as a public works project.

Personnel items approved included;

Resignations; Lee Green, System Technology Coordinator and Carlie Larson, Kindergarten Teacher at Sand Rock School

Certified Placements; Aubrey (Rusty) Thrasher, Principal at Cedar Bluff School

Classified Placements; Andrea Henry, RN – County-wide School Nurse, Piper Pearce, RN, County-wide School Nurse & Brooke Sentell, LPN, County-wide School Nurse

Transfer by Agreement; Wendy Moon from half-time Special Education Teacher at Cherokee County High School/half-time Special Education Teacher at Centre Middle School to full-time Special Education Teacher at Cherokee County High School

Contract Employment; Wayne Early – Maintenance of the 21st CCLC Program Greenhouse at Centre Middle School

Summer Worker; Ethan Jimmerson, Cherokee County High School

Leave of Absence; Mackenzie Foshee, Special Education Paraprofessional

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