City Of Centre Working Diligently To Repair Broken Drains At City Pool

City workers are continuing to work diligently to repair the Centre City Pool in order to get the facility open in time for the summer season.

During this week’s meeting of the Centre  City Council Mayor Tony Wilkie informed the council of situation at the pool, we spoke with Mayor Wilkie on Thursday afternoon and he wanted to praise all the city workers and City Engineer Mark Welsh who have worked tirelessly on this project.

Streets and Sanitations Manager Bobby Paul told us that they found the problem on Thursday, it appears that a total of four drains were broken and are having to be replaced. A temporary fence has been placed around the pool closest to the city park and residents are asked to stay away from the pool until the work has been completed.

Mayor Wilkie said that it is the goal of the city to have the work completed before the summer swimming season at the pool begins and thanks all the workers who are working hard to make that happen.

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