Cherokee County Career & Tech Center BBQ Sale is Saturday

Brett and the Beauty

The Cherokee County Career & Tech Center will be hosting a several fundraising events this Saturday (April 9th).  Career Tech Principal Brett Keasler and Debbie Pace, who is a teacher at the facility stopped by the WEIS Radio studios Thursday morning to discuss the activities

A donation only Car Wash will be held, starting at 8:00am; simply donate whatever amount you feel is appropriate.  All money from that, will go toward helping JAG (Jobs for Alabama Graduates) students offset expenses for travel to various District and State competitions.

The “Skills USA BBQ” begins at 8:00am; they’ll be serving sandwiches and you can purchase BBQ by the pound.  The money will help offset travel expenses for around 30 students for a trip to Birmingham, to take part in an Alabama Skills USA competition there in the month of April.

Also the school is conducting a plant sale including hanging baskets and many similar items in addition to an array of vegetables; that’s weekdays from 8:00am – 3:00pm at the campus greenhouse; you can also shop this Saturday morning as the other events are taking place.

For more information listen to that interview in its entirety by clicking below
