Cherokee County Circuit Court Judge Shaunathan Bell was guest in the WEIS Radio Studios on Wednesday – Judge Bell is currently in his third term as Circuit Judge in DeKalb & Cherokee Counties, Bell spoke on a variety of topics involving the court system within the circuit.
One of those topics was the backlog of cases that the circuit has had to deal with since he first took office, cases which he has been able to drastically reduce over a period of time.
Judge Bell said that doing this has allowed for people to more quickly have their cases heard and to give those coming to court ample time to prepare without having to put their lives on hold while the case is being settled.
Judge Bell also commented a little on the collection system and how it works in regards to money owed to the court system.
Bell said that since he took the bench, the circuit has collected $140,730 in DeKalb County and $96,147 in Cherokee County for a total of $236,881 circuit wide that was outstanding.