Determined Store Manager Helps Police Make Arrest

Walker 1000A full-time store manager, part-time detective – that pretty much describes Judy Silcox, who works at the Discount Food Mart on Gault Avenue North in Ft Payne.

Judy also doesn’t put up with much. After she noticed several items missing from the store, she went back and watched surveillance video and spotted the culprit.

He, in turn, helped make things easy for Judy when he came back into the store for the third time that day. Ft Payne Police responded to the scene and found stolen items on the suspect – identified as 38 year old William Tony Walker, Jr. of Ft Payne – and gave him a ride to jail.

Walker was charged with Theft of Property and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Ft Payne Police Chief Randy Bynum wishes to thank Ms. Silcox for her efforts in the case.
