Rogers and Shelby Speak Out on Gun Lesgislation

Mike Rogers x3

Congressman Mike Rogers released a brief statement concerning the actions of the current administration regarding gun control:

Congressman Rogers invites the public to visit his mobile office the first Wednesday of each month at Centre City Hall, between 9:00 and 11:00am.  You can share your concerns with a field representative who will in turn report that information to the congressman.

You can also visit his full-time district offices in Anniston or Opelika, to share your thoughts and opinions.

Richard Shelby 3

Senator Richard Shelby has vowed he would use his power over a Senate subcommittee to hold President Obama accountable for his executive actions on gun control, by attempting to withhold funding for Obama’s initiatives, in what the senator referred to as an assault on the Second Amendment. Shelby is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, which has jurisdiction over the Justice Department.

Alabama’s senior senator, who is running for re-election this year, said that he would lead hearings into the executive orders on gun control and compel Attorney General Loretta Lynch to testify before the subcommittee.

The executive actions announced Tuesday by Obama would expand background checks on all gun sales conducted on-line and at gun shows. They would also hire more ATF and FBI agents to process the background checks and boost funding for mental health programs.

Shelby called the moves the “first step” in stripping Second Amendment rights, saying the president effectively told law-abiding Americans “we’re going to take your guns away from you.” “Well I would remind the president that, you know, the Second Amendment is not a suggestion, it’s the Constitution, the right to bear arms,” the senator continued. “There are 300 million guns in America and millions of people got guns and they feel a little more secure with them.”


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