Congressman Mike Rogers Tells Obama “Do Not Welcome Terrorists into U.S.”

Mike Rogers x3Congressman Mike Rogers made the following statement after learning more about the alleged shooters in the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. Recent news reports have stated the female shooting suspect, Tashfeen Malik, pledged allegiance to ISIS

According to press reports, Malik applied for a K-1 visa in Pakistan in 2014 and entered the U.S. through Saudi Arabia later the same year after going through proper channels undetected by U.S. intelligence officials

“The cowardly terrorist attack in California was a horrific tragedy. It is terrifying that Malik, who had ISIS loyalties, made it through the U.S. Visa process undetected. Knowing this, how in the world can we trust the Obama Administration’s ability to properly vet thousands of Syrian refugees? With such apparent gaps in the screening process, this demonstrates that President Obama’s plan to allow refugees from the Syrian conflict in to our country is dangerous and flawed. These terrorists are finding their way into our country without our help. We just cannot further risk our national security with President Obama’s plan. I will continue to fight it at every step,” Rogers said

Rogers sent a letter to President Obama demanding no Syrian refugees be allowed in the United States after learning from media reports that a group of refugees from Syria crossed the U.S.-Mexican border into Texas and had turned themselves in to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seeking asylum.

