Governor Robert Bentley Visits Ft Payne

Alabama Governor Robert BentleyGovernor Robert Bentley visited Ft Payne on Monday, and while there announced nearly $1 million in grants for the area.

A total of six grants were announced with the majority of that money being allotted to fund sewer improvements in Ft Payne and Sylvania. The funds were provided by Appalachian Regional Commission grants and Community Development Block Grants.

Sylvania was awarded $350,000 for sewer replacement. Sylvania Mayor Emily Wooten said the grant money would be used to make partial repairs and to replace an old sewer system that serves a mobile home park.

Ft Pane received $450,000 to address similar issues. Mayor Larry Chesser said the city had addressed rainwater infiltration issues on the northeast side of the city in the past. He said this grant would allow the city to address issues on the northwest side of town, adding that the project area would be in the areas of Grand Avenue and Alabama Avenue.

The City of Rainsville received a $28,000 grant for economic vitality planning, the Ft Payne Board of Education received a $50,000 grant for a science and chemistry lab, the One World Adventure Company received a $100,000 grant for renovation of the W.M. Beck Discovery Center, and the DeKalb County Children’s Advocacy Center received a grant in the amount of $15,000 for family violence prevention and services.

(Ft Payne Times-Journal/

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