City Of Centre Approves Annexation Of The Country Club

country club

It was a relatively brief meeting of the Centre City Council on Tuesday, the Council approved minutes from the previous meetings, approved the bills for payment and also approved an Ordinance approving the annexation of the Cherokee County Country Club into the City Limits.

The one stipulation to this Ordinance being that the City of Centre will have no interest with the current or future administration to take over the operation of the organization, the next step will be for the ordinance to go to the Zoning Board in order to determine how the property will be zoned.

In other business the council also approved the purchase of a fully equipped Chevy Tahoe to be added to the fleet at the Police Department in the amount of $ 35,410.97 the only additional cost to the city will be for an in car radio and the lettering.

Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday the Council has voted to cancel the November 24th meeting.

The city also approved the annual once a year raise for all city employees and also agreed to once again participate in WEIS Radio’s annual Shop At Home Campaign.

As requested by Cherokee County EMA Director Beverly Daniel an EMA Disaster Plan was approved, this is an annual agreement that is signed by all municipalities.

And lastly a Contract was renewed with JSU for Forensics Services in the amount of $2,500.

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