City Of Centre Bids Farewell To Fire Chief Kevin Ware

The City of Centre is bidding farewell to longtime Centre Fire Chief Kevin Ware, during Tuesday’s meeting of the City Council is was announced that Chief Ware is leaving the city to accept a position in neighboring Rome, Georgia.

Chief Ware told WEIS Radio News that he will now become the Training Captain for the Rome Fire Department.

Mayor Tony Wilkie offered these words –

Each Council Member echoed the Mayor’s remarks and immediately following the meeting a reception was held for Chief Ware, his last official day with the City of Centre is November 2nd.


In other business, the council was presented quarterly reports from each of the City’s Department Heads and also approved a total of $1,800 for repairs at the Police Department Headquarters in addition to $1,000 for lock work to be done at the facility as well.

Mayor Wilkie also gave a brief update on the renovation project at the Armory Building, the Council approved a recommendation by the Mayor to send a letter to local lending institutions requesting quotes on interest rates for $515,000 over ten years, the city has decided to take on the project on their own rather that obtaining a USDA Loan as originally planned.

The council also approved the purchase of an ad In the New Vision Magazine totaling $1,500.

Mayor Wilkie also stated that it looks hopeful the Cherokee County Country Club in addition to some adjoining property owners will soon be annexed into the city limits pending the adoption of an ordinance outlining the legal description and details of the process.


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