City of Centre Passes Budget and Dedicates New Municipal Building

Centre City CouncilDuring this week’s Centre City Council meeting a $3,158,660 budget was passed for the upcoming fiscal year.

Mayor Tony Wilkie presented the document – which included a sanitation tax of $2.00 per customer, for residents and businesses alike.

In other business the Council adopted the Fall Clean Up Week for October 19th through the 23rd as time to clean up the City of Centre.

The Council cancelled the Corn Toss Tournament for the upcoming Fall Festival, due to lack of participation; they said they hoped to bring it in, at a later date.

The Mayor and Council recognized the City’s Attorney, Al Shumaker for 50 years of Law Practice and 35 years of service to the City as Attorney. He was presented with a certificate and a key to the City.

CPD 8The City’s new Municipal Building which houses the Police Department and the City Court Offices, was dedicated to Daniel and Amy Edwards of Atlanta who were the previous owners. They consented to take a reduction in price on the building and make a donation of the balance which allowed the city to purchase the building for $150,000; the building actually appraised at more than a half million dollars.

The city used $119,000 in funds from the sale of surplus equipment obtained from the U.S. Government to pay the majority of the purchase price. The city paid that balance, and with assistance from inmate labor renovated the building bringing it up to building codes.

Mayor Wilkie told WEIS Radio News they used less than $100,000 in taxpayer money to get into the building and have it paid for thanks to the Generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.

CPD 4City Judge Bill Hawkins had these comments about the building and the court facilities.

Following the unveiling of the plaque on the building a reception was held in honor of the Edwards’ and for the City Attorney.


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