Centre City Council Meeting| Department Heads Present Quarterly Reports


It was a brief meeting for the Centre City Council on Tuesday; the council approved the minutes from the previous meetings, approved the bill for payments and heard quarterly reports from each of the city’s department heads.

Centre Parks & Recreation Director Charles Glazner said that the 8 & under and 10 & under girls softball teams won the district Alabama Parks & Recreation Association Tournament and advanced to Gadsden over the weekend.

Also the Centre Otters Swim Team won the 1st place in the district over the weekend in Anniston and will advance to the Alabama Parks & Recreation Association state meet at the Birmingham Crossplex later this month.

Engineer/Building Inspector Mark Welsh reported 16 Building Permits, 9 commercial, 4 residential and 3 sign with all being renovations and no new construction.

Centre Fire Chief Kevin Ware said that his department responded to a total of 8 fires, 18 rescue and emergency medical service calls, 4 hazardous conditions calls, 1 service call, 11 good intent calls and 3 false alarms for a total of 48 calls.

Chief Ware also said that the fire department additionally responded 3 building fires, 2 transport vehicle fires, 1 grass fire and 1 tractor fire – Ware said that the extreme heat has had an effect on local firefighters and that he had three firemen pass out during a recent training detail with other departments.

Centre Police Chief Kirk Blankenship said that his department filled out a total of 180 Incident/Offense Reports and made a total of 129 arrests, of those 28 were for drugs, 32 for failing to appear in court, and 37 for theft.

Additionally the police department worked a total of 42 vehicle accidents between April, 1st and June 30th and issued a total of 235 traffic citations and 187 warnings.

Streets & Sanitation Department Supervisor Bobby Paul said that despite the hot weather mowing is in full swing in addition to mosquito spraying. Paul said that his crews have also worked exceptionally hard getting the city pool up and running as well as maintaining the Dixie Youth fields.

In other business, the council voted to approve the repair of the air conditioning unit at city hall with the low quote coming from Vaughn Heating & Cooling from Leesburg in the amount of $3,900.

John Coggin was reappointed to the Alcohol Review Board for a three term – also at the request of the board the council unanimously approved the request for a Class 1 Retail Liquor; Retail Beer (On or Off Premises); Retail Table Wine (On or Off) Premises License for Don Bigotes Mexican Restaurant.

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