The Cherokee County Historical Society will meet on June 16 at 6:00 pm. Place: Museum located at 101 East Main Street in Centre. Program: Sixteenth Century Spanish Explorers in Cherokee County
Dr. Harry Holstein, JSU professor, will do a presentation on the Spanish explorers who came to Cherokee County in the 16th century.
Dr. Holstein is a professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Jacksonville State University, where he has taught since 1978.
Dr. Holstein says, “For more than 30 years I have conducted annual field schools on nearby archaeological sites. These investigations have led to my current interest in Spanish contact protohistoric sites, prehistoric stone structure sites, Creek Indian War sites, and emergent Mississippian village sites which are located throughout northeast Alabama.”
Dr. Holstein will share information about the explorations of Spanish conquistadors who were in search of the town of Coosa, in what is today known as Cherokee County. Hernando de Soto was in Cherokee County in 1540, Tristan de Luna in 1560, and Juan Pardo in 1567.
Dr. Holstein has done extensive research in an effort to locate the town of Coosa. Adet Stephens, Co-president of the Cherokee County Historical Society says, “Europeans were in Cherokee County half a century before the settlements of Plymouth and Jamestown.”
Everyone is invited to come and hear Dr. Holstein and learn about one of the most interesting facets of Cherokee County’s rich history. The event is free to the public.