Congressman Mike Rogers Visits Cherokee County

Mike 100Congressman Mike Rogers paid a visit to Cherokee County last weekend, for a Fundraising Breakfast held at the Chamber of Commerce meeting room on the campus of Gadsden State Cherokee in Centre.

There was a strong turnout for the event – and there was no holding back as Rogers voiced his concerns and opinions on an array of topics, including the leadership – or lack thereof – displayed by President Barrack Obama during the course of his administration.

The Congressman didn’t stop there; he emphasized what these actions have done in regard to America’s place on the world stage:

Mike 101Congressman Rogers will once again be in Cherokee County this weekend – as he conducts another session of “Congress on Your Corner”, Friday (May 8th) from 12:00 noon – 1:00pm at Centre City Hall.

During that time, he’ll discuss current topics and take questions from those in attendance – that meeting is FREE of charge and the public is encouraged to attend.
