B’n’M Fishing Prize Winner

Congratulations to April Woodfin of Cedar Bluff, the latest prize package winner in the B’n’M Pole Company Give-away. April registered at Leesburg Guns and Pro-Tackle on Hwy 411 South at Leesburg. She wins a Sam Heaton Signature 7ft B’n’M Crappie Rod, a tee shirt, visor, and Catch Crappie Anywhere DVD.

The B’n’M Prize Package Give-away is made possible by Leesburg Guns and Pro-Tackle, the B’n’M Pro-Staff on Weiss Lake, Darrell Baker and Carlton Teague, The B’n’M Pole Company,  and WEIS Radio.

Register this week at Leesburg Guns and maybe you can be our next Big Winner in the B’n’M Pole Give Away on WEIS!!




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