Piedmont to Add Well to City’s Water Supply

Piedmont City Council - 4-21-15On Tuesday night, the Piedmont City Council, agreed to pursue adding a well to the city’s water supply at a cost of $400,000. This is in addition to the approximately $1 million worth of improvements to the city’s aging water treatment plant approved at the previous meeting. While the well project was part of the original plans, the council had decided to gather more information before proceeding.

Dave Bechtel with Utility Engineering Consultants, who was on hand to field questions from the council, said that the city would see savings of about $116,000 annually from utilizing the well, which will initially be capable of pumping 200 gallons per minute and eventually 500 gallons per minute. Water department official, Jessie McKnight, added that a large portion of the savings would come from totally cutting out overtime at the city’s water treatment facility, which could potentially be shut down 3 to 4 hours per night with the addition of the well.

Council Members Frank Cobb and Brenda Spears, who were still not convinced that the city should be taking on additional debt, opposed the measure. Cobb was also concerned that there were too many variables dealing with the well.

Council Member Kenny Kelley noted that part of the cost could be covered by existing bond monies, while City Clerk Michelle Franklin added that $200,000 from the bond had already been spent on the well project a few years ago.

Both the water treatment upgrades and well project will be funded through a 20-year Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) loan, which carries an interest rate of 2.25 percent.

In other business, the council agreed to allow the Piedmont Fire Department to purchase two thermal imagers at a cost of $14,000 to be paid from the city’s fire tax.

Also, the council voted to purchase a lawnmower for the Water, Sewer, and Gas Department at a cost of $8,000 using surplus funds.

Council Member Spears made a motion to rescind the filling of two vacancies in the utility and sanitation departments. However the motion died on the vine.

Brain Freeze was awarded a contract to manage the concessions at the city’s aquatics center for the summer of 2015.

The council also approved a retail beer and wine permit for the County Corner convenient store.

Bills for payment were approved in the amount of $451,160.99 in addition to a payroll amount of $111,011.39 for a total of $562,617.38 with Spears voting “No.”

The next regular Piedmont City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 5th, at 6 pm.

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