There’s a New Museum Director in Town

marko 002Even in preserving the past certain things must change and following the recent retirement of long-time director Dave Crum, the future of the Cherokee County Historical Museum is in the capable hands of a relative newcomer to the area – Kathy Marko.

The Historical Museum has undergone some dramatic changes over the last few years, with the addition of mixed-media presentations – kid-friendly exhibits that children are actually encouraged to touch, and a number of special events such as book-signings and displays of rare memorabilia loaned to the museum by collectors residing here in Cherokee County.

We also asked Ms Marko to share with us her thoughts on the role the museum plays in the community

Marko says she plans to continue to be pro-active in reaching out to the community and the facility will offer an ever-increasing array of exhibits. She also plans to heighten awareness of all the museum has to offer through the extensive use of social media including FaceBook and Twitter.

We asked what she sees at this time, as perhaps being the biggest stumbling block in regard to moving forward with her plans

CafeMs. Marko also invites everyone to check out the Museum Café, featuring Starbucks coffee and their special lunch menu and there’s secure internet for those interested in catching up on some work or you can just relax and while away some time

The Cherokee County Historical Museum on East Main Street in Centre is open from 9:00 – 4:00 Tuesday – Friday and from 9:00 to 1:00 FREE on the first Saturday of each month.

You can visit them on-line at / Phone (256) 927-7835

FaceBook /
