Liberty Day Festivities Returning To Cedar Bluff, Town Officials Set Official Date For June 27th, 2015

Mayor Tammy Crane informed the Council plans are underway for Liberty Day in the Town again. She said the fireworks have been paid for already. Mayor Crane told WEIS Radio News, there will be some changes.

She said things would not be exactly as they had been in the past but there will be a Liberty Day in Cedar Bluff on June 27th. There will be more announcements forth coming after all the plans have been complete.

The Town of Cedar Bluff is adding two additional firefighters to the roll of volunteer firemen for the Town, during the Council Meeting Tuesday, Robert James Harper and Gordon Tyler Bullard were approved with a stipulation Robert Harper obtain Alabama drivers license. He recently moved to Cedar Bluff.

The Council adopted a new ordinance to become law in Cedar Bluff for the Town to establish a Corrections Fund for Municipal Court Costs. The Town recently approved holding Municipal Court in the Town again. The first court date is Thursday, February 12.

Funds deposited into this account are to be used for Court Operational Costs only.
The Council also voted to expand their Town Limits by annexing two additional properties at the request of the property owners. One parcel is in the McElrath Subdivision owned by John Cook. The other property is owned by William and Linda Pinson and Margaret Pinson consisting of two lots in the Wild Acres Subdivision.

The ordinance adopted stated this was in the best interest of the Town and communities where these properties are located. Mayor Crane recommended the Council accept the platt of the Summer Breeze subdivision being built on highway 68 east.

The Council also approved an expansion of services by T-Mobile for customers in the area. David Andrews, consultant for the Town with CMS, explains:

Andrews also told the Council an Osprey nest has been built on the structure and currently it is unoccupied and not in use so it is imperative the company get the installation completed as quickly as possible. Once the birds return to the nest and begin using it again, all work is required to be halted until the birds leave the nest again. This is the guidelines of Federal regulations.

T-Mobile paid the Town an application fee of $2500 in connection with this upgrade.

The Police Chief and Fire Chief gave their respective activity reports for January and the Council heard from local resident, Barbara Wedding, concerning the lack of action by the Town on repairing potholes on the street where she lives. Councilman Agan addressed the issue by telling her the work to repair the street would have to wait until warmer weather in order for the plant mix used in patching to set properly and remain on site.

The County Highway Department will be used for the work. Councilman Agan informed the Council about a problem with the floor at the Fire Department. It seems the concrete is giving way and it is not safe.

Bids have been obtained for the repair work with the lowest being $1800. The Council approved the job to be done as soon as the weather is warm enough. The Council approved the purchase of a new computer for the police department in the amount of $687 from Mayhall Computer Service of Centre.

Mayor Crane informed the Council she has hired Ford, Howard and Cornett Law Firm to represent the Town in a lawsuit against the Town’s Utility Board. She asked the Council to approve her actions with a motion and a vote.

Mayor Crane then informed the Council Attorney Bill Hawkins had resigned as the Town’s Attorney as of February 13.

She then recommended the Town hire the Law Firm of Turnbach, Warren, Loyd, Fredrick, and Smith of Gadsden as the Town’s Legal Counsel. The Council approved the measure.
