City Of Centre Taking Steps To Help Cut The Cost Of Health Insurance For Employees

The Centre City Council is looking to do whatever they can to help their employees cope with the cost of Health Insurance as cost are on the rise as a result of President Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act.

On Monday members of the Council met at City Hall to discuss what proactive steps they can to take to make things a little easier on every employee who is on the city’s insurance plan.

During the last meeting, the Council voted to stay with Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama and by doing so will save $1,100, however Health Insurance cost are on the rise and in some cases almost tripling in cost for some families.

City Officials are now looking for a way to pass that $1,100 savings along to the employees – the City Council will hold a work session prior to Tuesday’s meeting at 4:00pm in order to get everything on paper and then make a decision on the issue.

The regular meeting is scheduled to take place immediately following that work session at 5:00pm.

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