The Cedar Bluff Utilities Board received an outstanding report from their auditors during their regular meeting on Tuesday night.
Wes Davis, with Hindman & Davis was in attendance and presented the findings –
Also during the meeting, the Board opened sealed bids on two Dodge pick-up trucks that had recently been declared surplus property. The highest bid presented was from Charlie Fagan for both vehicles in the amount of $851.oo per vehicle, that being the highest bid, the board unanimously voted to sell the trucks to Fagan.
It was also announced during the meeting that the Board will be acquiring a new office building and therefore moving from their current location to the former location of Generations Bank at the intersection of Highway 9/68, Board Chairman Ken Blair –
The Board will also be bidding out for two buildings at the lagoons, one being a 110×60 metal building from site plan to finish and the other a 110×40 with the same specs. Once the bids come in the board will then make a decision as to whether or not they want to proceed with the project.