Cedar Bluff Utility Board Meeting

Representatives with LADD Engineering were in attendance at the regular meeting of the Cedar Bluff Utilities Board on Tuesday to discuss the budget of funds that was left over from the recent sewer project and how they would be spent.

With the surplus of around $200,000 the board is looking at purchasing a new mini-excavator and also completely replacing a pump station – the stipulation of these excess funds are that they must be spent or they will be sent back to the state and redistributed.

LADD Engineers also discussed plans for loans that will allow the board to construct both a new office building as well as a new maintenance building; presently the Utility Board is looking at purchasing the former Generations Bank building to house the operations of the Utility Board.

The subject was tabled for further discussion until the next meeting so that a committee comprised of Norman Burton and Board Chairman Ken Blair can gather additional details about the old bank building.

Board Attorney Al Shumaker was present to have members sign proper paper work in order for the board to proceed with the issuance of a bond for construction funds which will be closed on Friday.

At the request of Manager Jeff Harrell, the board has agreed to surplus two Dodge utility vehicles and to take sealed bids for the property.

In other business, a topic that was tabled during the previous meeting was revisited – Cedar Bluff School has had some higher than usual water bills at the baseball field which has raised concerns that there may possibly be a leak or some other malfunction at the location.

The board agreed to waive all late fees associated with the bills and will have an employee monitor the water meter on a daily basis for the next two weeks in an attempt to identify why and where so much water is going.

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