Cherokee County Author to Host Book-Signing this Friday (October 10th)

Burke 1A Cherokee County resident, Glen Alan Burke, has written a book which takes a close – and sometimes uncomfortable – look at the era he grew up in.

The story of “Jesse”, recently published by Koehler Books, is set in the northeast Alabama town of Collinsville in the 1960’s and tells the story of a group of school kids who first meet the “new kid”, Jesse, at the age of six – and it follows the relationship which he has with his schoolmates, and the community, throughout the following years, exploring just how much things can change over time.

The wide-ranging cast of characters includes the author, who tells the story in first-person, and a line-up of childhood friends not so different from those many of us grew up with, and those in the community affected by the newcomer.

As Burke points out the book is written in a very straightforward manner; it’s often brutally honest and it never takes the easy way out – being exceptionally bold in its approach.

“Jesse” is currently available through and through all major retail book outlets such as Barnes & Noble.

Glen Alan Burke will be hosting a book-signing, Friday (October 10th) from 2:00 – 4:00pm, at the Cherokee County Historical Museum on East Main Street in Centre.

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