School Bus Driver Arrested on Misdemeanor Charge

Montgomery BUS DRIVERThe Anniston school bus driver who had failed to intervene when a fight broke out between two students on the bus last week, was arrested Monday on a charge of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor. The charge is a misdemeanor, and 57 year old Larita Montgomery bonded out later that same day.

The grandmother of the sixth grade boy who was attacked by an eighth grade girl, says she isn’t satisfied with the charge – calling it nothing more than “a slap on the hand.”

The grandmother also provided the Anniston Star with cell phone video of the incident and she stated that the incident went on for approximately four miles – at times, less than three feet away from the driver; and she wants to know why Montgomery failed to act.

Also, there is some controversy as to whether or not Montgomery reported the incident to school officials as required. School officials are reportedly saying the required paperwork wasn’t filed, however the driver says she did call the assistant principal to make a report.

Montgomery said school bus drivers are told not to touch children, adding that she told the students to stop fighting and take separate seats which they did; she further stated that the incident did not occur over four miles and was instead closer to two miles – and was made up of two separate fights.

The company contracted to provide bus services to the Anniston School System are saying only that Montgomery is on leave and haven’t yet decided whether or not she will keep her job.

(Anniston Star/

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