Following some very heated conversation and one council member walking out in the middle of a meeting – the Centre City Council did not pass its budget for the 2015 Fiscal Year.
The conversation on the budget lasted over half an hour with Councilman Derrick Wheeler getting up and walking out of the meeting – both he and Councilman Marc Johnson said that they refuse to adopt a budget that reflects more spending than income.
Several questions were also raised concerning where and how the city’s alcohol sales tax revenue was being spent including what amount was going to the school system.
The bottom line in and most importantly is the fact that the city council must pass and adopt a budget before Oct. 1 because that is the final day of the Fiscal year – a Special Called Meeting of the Centre City Council has been set for Tuesday September, 30 at 4:00 at which time the proposed budget will be further discussed.
In other business – the council opened bids for interest rates on the loan which will be used to complete renovations on the Armory Building – the council will review the bids and accept the lowest which meets criteria.
An Ordinance to rezone a portion of property owned by Cherokee Electric from Residential to Highway Commercial was also adopted with all voting in favor of the measure.
A resolution recognizing the merger between Charter and Comcast Cable Companies was approved – the council has also set aside the week of October 6-10 as Fall Clean-Up Week.
The council also approved an expenditure of $4,953.68 for Fire Chief Kevin Ware to purchase gloves and boots for the twelve new sets of turnout gear that was approved for purchase during the last meeting.
Mayor Tony Wilkie stated toward the end of the meeting that the City Council would be considering an Ordinance outlawing the use of “Jake Brakes” inside the city limits – and also announced that the city would be purchasing the old Federal Building for $150,000 with $119,000 of that coming from the sales of surplus property at the police department and the city covering the remaining balance.
To listen to Tuesday’s City Council meeting simply click the link below;
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