Former Piedmont Mayor Pushing for Veterans Clinic

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Piedmont City Council, Mayor Bill Baker announced that former mayor Ricky Freeman has been working to bring a medical treatment facility for veterans to the city of Piedmont. The council agreed to pledge their support for Freeman’s efforts to attract a VA clinic, which, if built, would be operated by the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs.

Baker noted that city has put together a portfolio that it will use to present the plan to Representative Mike Rogers in a meeting this Thursday. The packet, which will include the council’s letter of support, will list10 to 15 potential locations for the facility. Baker said the clinic would not only improve service to area veterans, but also provide other benefits to Piedmont, including the creation of several jobs.

The council renewed its relationship with the cities of Anniston, Jacksonville, Hobson City, and the Calhoun County Commission, to form a consortium under the Federal HOME Program. The program, which is operated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, allows Piedmont and other participants to receive money for the renovation or building of affordable housing.

City retirees will soon see a one-time bonus of $2 for each month of service or a total of $300, whichever amount is greater. The approved pay increase, which totals $22,700 for 40 retirees, was made possible by the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA), which has offered to cover the cost, if the city agrees to a reimbursement of monthly installments. As a former city employee, Council Member Terry Kiser abstained from the vote.

Bills for payment were approved in the amount of $483,281.02 in addition to a payroll amount of $122,783.53 for a total of $606,064.55, with Council Members Frank Cobb and Terry Kiser abstaining. As of July 31th, there was also a total balance of $1,554,598.07 remaining in bond accounts.

Additionally, the council agreed to finance the purchase of a boom truck through Bancorp South for a total of $125,570.

The next regular Piedmont City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 2nd, at 6 pm.

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