Authorities Investigating Distribution of “United Klans of America” Materials

Klan 1Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson and the Anniston Police Department are currently in the midst of an investigation into who may be delivering promotional material from an organization calling itself the United Klans of America.

Anniston Mayor Vaughn Stewart informed ABC 3340 that a number of Saks residents have filed reports after finding the messages inside plastic bags weighted down with pebbles; the bags have been turning up in people’s driveways and yards.

The packets contain a flyer promoting a so-called “neighborhood watch” and the message “you can sleep well tonight knowing the United Klans of America are awake.”

Sheriff Amerson says it’s not criminal to promote an organization – however since the Klan is an organization with a history of criminal activity he wants to find out just who is distributing those notes.

Calhoun County investigators say notes have been brought in to them from the areas of Oxford, Wellborn and Coldwater.

Communities in Virginia, Louisiana, Texas and Connecticut have also reported the Klan flyers showing up recently.

(ABC 3340/


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